Srikakula's Dental & Homeopathy Clinic

Pediatric Dentistry

We know that taking your kids for a dental check-up has  never been easy! Our child friendly environment  will encourage your child to look forward for his/her next appointment.   

What does the kids specialist perform

  • Comprehensive Oral Evaluation and Assessment using advanced diagnostics
  • Preventive Dental Care
    – Fluoride Treatments
    – Oral Hygiene Instructions
    – Pit and Fissure Sealants
    – Pulpotomy and crowns
  • Laser dentistry
  • Pediatric emergencies
  • Habit counseling
  • Straightening of teeth
  • Habit breaking appliances
  • Space maintainers

Why is it important that you care for your child’s primary teeth right from the eruption of their first teeth itself?

  • Scientific evidence has  shown children with decayed milk teeth would most likely experience decay in their permanent teeth as well.
  • Primary Teeth encourage healthy eating habits. Your child learns to chew food properly and maintain good nutrition
  • Milk teeth also enable your child to speak clearly and learn proper pronunciation.
  • Primary teeth establish spaces in the jaw needed for permanent teeth eruption .
  • Primary teeth removed before their natural  exfoliation can lead to loss of space for permanent teeth  that  consequently  may create serious dental problems during adulthood.
  • Proper milk teeth will help your child feel good about him/her and encourage a positive self image
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