It is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. It also includes procedures like Apical Microsurgery, Apexification, Apexogenesis, draining abscesses, teeth whitening of discolored dentin and enamel and Pulpotomy & Pulpectomy in pediatric dental care, etc.
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is done to repair and save badly infected or decayed tooth. It is needed when the pulp inside the tooth becomes inflamed or infected.
Once the decay erodes the first two layers of tooth i.e enamel and dentin, infection reaches the nerve and pulp of tooth which then causes pain. If left untreated, infection may spread beyond ends of roots of tooth. Bone loss may also occur around the tooth which may lead to pus formation or an abscess.

When is a Root Canal Treatment Needed?
- If there is severe toothache upon chewing.
- Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums of a particular tooth.
- Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold.
- Discoloration of a particular tooth.
- Fractured or broken tooth.
An X-ray is always needed first to make a diagnosis if RCT is needed or not. The dentist then anesthetizes the tooth. An access cavity is then prepared in the tooth to access the root canals for cleaning. After the infection has subsided the root canal is then filled with a biocompatible compound- Gutta Percha. During the coarse of root canal treatment; chewing or biting on hard foods is avoided until treatment is completed.
RCT is a good treatment option to save the infected tooth. Otherwise the tooth may have to be extracted, and it is always better to keep the natural tooth.
Procedures such as Intentional Replantation, Endodontic Surgery , Bleaching, Root Canal Therapy ,Teeth Contouring, Abscessed Teeth, Apicoectomy, Post & Core, Hemisection, Pulpectomy, Pulpotomy etc are performed at Srikakula dental care using RVG, LOUPES &BLEACHING UNIT KIT.